Cit ymarfer corff / PE Kit

Gwisg ymarfer corffNodyn i’ch hatgoffa am wisg ymarfer corff – crys t gwyn, neu un yr ysgol, siorts/leggins, trowsus tracwisg dywyll a trainers. Dim cit pêl droed os gwelwch yn dda. Ar Ddydd Gwener os ydy eich plentyn yn mynd i’r sesiwn Pro Skills Soccer ar ôl ysgol rhaid iddynt wisgo gwisg ysgol a byddant yn cael cyfle i newid i’w cit pêl droed yn ystod amser chwarae prynhawn.

PE Kit

Reminder – a white or school t shirt, dark shorts,leggins or jogging bottoms and trainers. No football kits please. If your child is attending the Pro Skills  Soccer sessions after school on a Friday they must come to school in their uniform and they will have the opportunity to change into their football kit during the afternoon play.