Byddwch yn ofalus / Please take care

Mae’r ysgol ar agor ond byddwch yn ofalus wrth gyrraedd yr ysgol ar y llwybrau ac yn y maes parcio. Dim ond y llwybrau o’r groesffordd a’r giât sengl o’r maes parcio fydd ar agor. Mi fydd angen i bawb heblaw am ddosbarthiadau Dryw, Pioden a Robin Goch i ddod drwy’r brif fynedfa. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.


The school is open but please take care as you arrive at school in the car park and on the paths. The only paths open will be the path from the zebra crossing and the single gate from the car park. All children apart from Dryw, Pioden a Robin Goch classes will need to come in through the main entrance. Thank you for your cooperation.