Casglu’r plant ar ddiwedd y dydd / collecting the children at the end of the day


Oherwydd fod rhannau o amgylch cefn yr ysgol yn dal yn bergylus o ganlyniad i eira a rhew, gofynwn i chi gasglu eich plentyn fel a ganlyn.

Alarch, Drudwen a Colomen dewch i’r brif fynedfa.

Dosbarthiadau Gwennol, Tylluan, Hebog a Eryr  o’ ddrws ochr y neuadd.  Dosbarthiadau Pioden, Robin Goch a’r Cylch o’r llefydd arferol.


Due to the area around the back of the school still being dangerous because of the snow and ice, please collect your children as follows:

Alarch, Drudwen, Colomen, please collect them from the main entrance.

Gwennol, Tylluan, Hebog, Eryr  from the hall side door.  Pioden, Robin Goch and Cylch children can be collected from outside the classes as usual.

Diolch yn fawr / Thank you