Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth / Show Racism the Red Card

Ar y 18ain o Hydref 2024 bydd cyfle i bawb yn Ysgol Bro Alun wisgo dillad coch er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth at yr ymgyrch Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth.

Byddwn fel ysgol gyfan yn cynnal gweithgareddau yn ysod yr wythnos i gefnogi gwaith yr elusen Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth.

On 18th October 2024, the pupils at Ysgol Bro Alun will have the opportunity to wear red clothing to raise awareness for the Show Racism the Red Card campaign.

As a whole school, we will be running activities during the week to support the work of the charity Show Racism the Red Card.