Pantomeim -Casglu’r plant / Pantomine – Collecting the children

Trefniadau Pantomeim / Pantomime Arrangements:

Mae’r disgyblion ar eu ffordd yn ôl o’r pantomeim, rydym yn disgwyl iddynt i gyrraedd yr ysgol erbyn 4.30 . Bydd angen i chi casglu eich plentyn o’r dosbarthiadau ac nid o’r bws. Gofynnwn i chi beidio parcio gyferbyn i gatiau’r ysgol, nag yn bae’r bws fel gall y bws troi fewn a pharcio yn ddiogel.

The pupils are on their way back from the pantomime and we are expecting them to arrive by 4.30. You will need to collect your child from their classroom and not from the bus. We kindly ask that you do not park opposite the school gates, or in the bus bay so that the bus can safely turn in and park up.