Rhybudd / Warning

Bore da,
Ni fydd y giatiau i fynd ar y buarth er mwyn hebrwng eich plant i’w dosbarthiadau ar agor heddiw. Felly mi fydd angen i’r plant i gyd heblaw am ddosbarthiadau Robin Goch, Pioden a Dryw ddod i mewn drwy ddrws y dderbynfa (wrth ymyl swyddfa Mrs Fisher) heddiw. Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleustra.

Good morning,
The gates to go onto the yard to escort your children to their classes will not be open today. So all the children except for Robin Goch, Pioden and Dryw classes will need to come in through the reception(By Mrs Fisher’s office) door today. Apologies for any inconvenience.