Ffocws y dydd heddiw oedd ar gyfranwyr mentrus a chreadigol. Hyfryd oedd gweld y mwynhad ar wynebau’r disgyblion wrth iddynt greu, dyfeisio a chynllunio amrywiaeth o bethau diddorol yn ogystal â mentro i godi arian a chanfod atebion i gwestiynau’r dydd.
Bu’r disgyblion hynaf yr ysgol yn creu gemau ffair i godi arian i gefnogi’r elusen WaterAid a disgyblion Meithrin a Derbyn yn gwerthu bisgedi blasus i godi arian. Bydd rhagor o stondinau hyfryd nos Wener yma gan ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 1 a 2 a bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 3 a 4 yn gwerthu potiau bach o lysiau i dyfu.
Today’s focus was to encourage enterprising and creative contributors. It was wonderful to see the enjoyment on the pupils’ faces as they created, devised and designed a variety of interesting things as well as raising money and finding answers to the questions of the day.
Yr 5 and 6 pupils created games to raise money to support the charity WaterAid and the Nursery and Reception pupils sold delicious biscuits also to raise money. Year 1 and 2 pupils be selling their candles outside the classroom on Friday and Year 3 and 4 pupils will be selling small pots of vegetables to grow.
Dyma uchafbwyntiau’r dydd–
Here are today’s highlights-