Gymnasteg Bl2 – Yr 2 Gymnastics 10/5/18

Bl 2 Dydd Iau 10/5/18

Annwyl Rieni/Gofalwyr

Nodyn bach i atgoffa fod Bl 2 yn mynd i Ganolfan Hamdden Queensway bore yfory i gael gwers gymnasteg.

Hoffwn i’ch plentyn ddod i’r ysgol wedi gwisgo yn barod mewn crys T gwyn o dan siwper ysgol (neu crys ysgol arferol), “joggers” du a/neu siorts du a trainers addas.

Y gost yw £2.00 yr wythnos am y wers a’r bws.

Diolch am eich cyd weithrediad

Miss Elin Morris

Gallwch wneud taliadau ar-lein bellach gyda cherdyn debyd/credyd ar:

Yr 2 – 10/5/18

Dear Parents / Guardians.

Just a note to remind you that Year2 will be going to Queensway Leisure centre tomorrow morning for Gymnastics lessons.

I would like your child to come to school ready, wearing a plain white t-shirt with their school jumper (or the usual school polo), with plain dark joggers or/and a pair of plain dark shorts and suitable trainers.

The cost will be £2.00 a week which covers the cost of the lesson and bus.

Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Miss Elin Morris

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