Yn ystod ein cyngherddau’r wythnos hon, bu’r Llysgenhadon Iaith yr ysgol yn brysur iawn yn cyflwyno ac yn egluro i rieni beth yw targedau’r ysgol eleni.
Dyma gopi i chi o’r targedau eleni sef:
- Defnyddio technoleg drwy’r Gymraeg.
- Parhau i gynyddu’r defnydd o Gymraeg yn y dosbarth, coridorau a neuadd ginio.
- Siarad mwy o Gymraeg ar y buarth.
Da iawn chi am siarad mor hyderus a chwrtais gyda llawer o rieni a theuluoedd yr ysgol.
During our concerts this week, our Welsh Language Ambassadors have been very busy presenting and explaining to parents what the school’s targets are for this year.
Here is a copy of the school’s targets for this year:
- Improve the use of technology through the medium of Welsh.
- Continue to increase the use of Welsh in the classroom, corridors and lunch hall.
- Encourage pupils to speak more Welsh on the yard.
Well done Welsh Ambassadors for speaking confidently and politely with so many parents and families of the school.