Dathlu #Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2020 / Celebrating #Welsh Language Music Day 2020

Ar ôl llwyddiant llynedd, rydym yn llawn cyffro i ddathlu #Dydd Miwsig Cymru eto eleni yn yr ysgol ar y 7fed o Chwefror 2020.
Mae’r Llysgenhadon Iaith wedi dewis 5 trac bywiog gan artistiaid cyfoes Cymraeg ac yn awyddus i ddarganfod pa drac sy’n boblogaidd ymysg y disgyblion, rhieni a’r staff yr ysgol.
Dyma nhw’r Llysgenhadon Iaith yn cyflwyno caneuon eleni. Pa un ‘dech chi’n ei hoffi?

Mae’r disgyblion hefyd wedi cynllunio poster deniadol er mwyn i chi ymgyfarwyddo gyda’r rhestr chwarae. Gallwch chwilio amdanynt ar YouTube, Spotify neu Apple Music neu sganio’r codiau QR sydd ar y poster.
Holwn yn garedig i chi wrando ar y traciau adref cyn y bleidlais fawr eleni.   Tybed pa gân bydd ffefryn y disgyblion, rhieni a’r staff eleni?

After the success of last year, we are looking forward to celebrate #Welsh Music Day again this year at the school on the 7th of February 2020.
The Welsh Language Ambassadors have chosen 5 lively tracks by contemporary Welsh artists and we are keen to find out which track is most popular with pupils, parents and our school staff.
Here are the Welsh Language Ambassadors introducing this years playlist. Which do you like?

The pupils have also designed an eye catching poster for you to enjoy this years playlist. You can search for the tracks on YouTube, Spotify or Apple Music or scan the QR codes on the poster.
We would appreciate if you could listen to the tracks at home to help you decide which is your favorite. I wonder which song will be the most popular with the pupils, parents and staff this year?

Mwynhewch! Enjoy!

Y Bleidlais Fawr