Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi sicrhau eich bod wedi dewis opsiwn cinio eich plentyn ar Parentpay erbyn 8 o’r gloch y bore. Oherwydd nifer y plant sydd heb ddewis, mae staff yn treulio o leiaf 15 munud yn cwblhau’r dasg weinyddol yma yn ddyddiol, sy’n golygu dros gyfnod o wythnos bod 1 awr a 15 munud o amser addysgu yn cael ei golli. Cofiwch rydych yn gallu dewis cinio am bythefnos o flaen llaw.
We ask kindly that you ensure that you have selected your child’s lunch option on parentpay by 8 o’clock in the morning. Due to the number of children that have not made their choice, staff are spending at least 15 minutes completing this administrative task daily meaning that over a period of a week 1 hour and 15 minutes of teaching time is being lost. Please remember that you have the option to make lunch choices up to a fortnight in advance.