Gwybodaeth am frechiadau ar gyfer pobl ifanc – Guide to vaccinations for young people

Brechu yw un o’r pethau pwysicaf y gallwn ei wneud i amddiffyn plant a phobl ifanc rhag afiechydon. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi datblygu canllaw ar y cyd i frechiadau ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Mae’r canllaw yn esbonio pryd a sut mae brechiadau yn cael eu cynnig i bobl ifanc ym mlynyddoedd ysgol 7 i 11 (rhwng 11 ac 16 oed) a pham eu bod mor bwysig. Gofynnir i rieni a gofalwyr ddarllen y canllawiau. Yn ogystal, pan ddaw amser rhoi pob brechiad cewch wybodaeth gan yr ysgol am y brechiad sy’n cael ei gynnig ynghyd â ffurflen ganiatâd.  Darllenwch y wybodaeth hon hefyd a dychwelwch y ffurflen ganiatâd cyn gynted â phosibl, fel bod eich plentyn yn cael yr amddiffyniad gorau y gall ei gael yn erbyn y clefydau difrifol hyn.

http://Fframwaith Imiwneiddio Cenedlaethol

http://Canllaw i frechiadau i bobl ifanc – Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru (



Vaccination is one of the most important things we can do to protect children and young people against ill health. The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales have developed the following guide to vaccinations for young people. The guide explains when and how vaccinations are offered to young people in school years 7 to 11 (ages 11 to 16) and why they are so important. Parents and carers are asked to read the guide. In addition, when each vaccination is due you will receive information from the school about the vaccination being offered along with a consent form. Please also read this information and return the consent form as soon as possible, so that your child receives the best protection they can have against these serious diseases.

http://National Immunisation Framework

http://Vaccinations for young people – Public Health Wales (

Thank you.