Lluniau Ysgol – School Photographs
Annwyl rieni/gwarchodwyr,
Bydd ffotograffydd o gwmni Tempest yn dod i’r ysgol ddydd Gwener, Mai 10fed i dynnu lluniau’r disgyblion.
Mi fydd cyfle i bawb gael llun unigol a llun gyda brodyr a chwiorydd o fewn yr ysgol – gwneir hyn yn ystod y dydd.
Os nad ydych am i’ch plentyn gael tynnu ei lun/llun gyda brawd/chwaer a wnewch chi gysylltu â’r swyddfa 01978269580.
Diolch yn fawr
Dear parents/carers,
The photographer from Tempest will be in school on Friday, May 10th to take pictures of students.
There is an opportunity for all to have an individual photo and a picture taken with siblings within the school, this will be done during the day.
If you’d prefer not have a photo with siblings please contact school reception 01978269580.
Thank you