Rhannu data a mesur cynnydd y Siarter Iaith / Sharing data and measuring the Language Charter progress

Dangosodd Mrs Watson-Smyth yn y gwasanaeth bore ‘ma ein gwe iaith sef datblygiad yr ysgol ar gyfer y wobr aur y Siarter iaith.

Cyn yr hanner tymor, fe wnaeth pob disgybl ail-lenwi’r holiaduron drwy ateb yr un cwestiynau a gwblhawyd  ym mis Hydref 2018.

Braf iawn oedd cael gweld y gwe iaith ar y sgrin fawr heddiw a chafodd y disgyblion gyfle i holi a thrafod y data.  Yn sicr, roedd y staff a’r disgyblion yn falch iawn wrth weld fod cynnydd cadarnhaol wedi ei wneud unwaith eto eleni ar gyfer pob un o’r cwestiynau.

Mae’r Llysgenhadon Iaith  wedi gweithio’n frwd unwaith eto eleni drwy  gynyddu’r defnydd o Gymraeg ar y buarth, dosbarthiadau a choridorau ac annog y dysgwyr i ddefnyddio technoleg drwy’r Gymraeg.

Ynghlwm mae copi o’r gwe iaith i chi weld. Mae’r lliw porffor yn amlinellu canlyniadau holiadur Hydref 2018 ac mae’r pinc yn dangos y twf a’r cynnydd a wnaed hyd yma.

Mi fydd yr ysgol yn cael ein dilysu ar gyfer y wobr aur dydd Mawrth nesaf sef y 11eg o Fehefin.


In our assembly this morning, Mrs Watson-Smyth shared the results of a recent questionnaire that all pupils answered as part of the Language Charter gold award.

Before the half term, all pupils replenished the questionnaires by answering the same questions completed in October 2018.

It was great to see the data and findings on the big screen and the pupils were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the data. All staff and pupils were delighted to see that positive progress that we’ve made again this year.

Our Welsh Ambassadors have continued to work enthusiastically by increasing the use of Welsh on the playground, classes and corridors as well as encouraging learners to use technology through the medium of Welsh.

Attached is our Language Web. The purple colour outlines the results from the October 2018 questionnaire and the pink is shows the growth and progress that has been made to date.

The school will be assessed for the gold award next Tuesday 11th June.

Da iawn Ysgol Bro Alun!