Rhieni Blwyddyn 6 / Year 6 parents

Neges sydyn i adael i rieni Bl 6 (sydd a phlant yn mynd i Forgan Llwyd fis Medi) wybod ein bod wedi cael cyfarfod fideo efo penaethiaid ysgolion y clwstwr Cymraeg Wrecsam, gan gynnwys pennaeth Ysgol Morgan Llwyd, y bore ‘ma. Trafodwyd ychydig o addasiadau fydd yn cael eu gwneud i’r cynllun trosglwyddo uwchradd arferol oherwydd y sefyllfa bresenol. Byddwn yn eich diweddaru yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf efo gwybodaeth berthnasol a hefyd bydd cyfle i’r disgyblion, drwy eu cyfrifon HWB, dderbyn gwybodaeth a holi cwestiynau i staff Ysgol Morgan Llwyd.

Just a short message for Year 6 parents (with children going to Ysgol Morgan Llwyd in September) to let you that this morning a video meeting was held between the Welsh cluster of schools’ head teachers, including Ysgol Morgan Llwyd’s head teacher, to discuss Year 6’s transfer in September. Due to the current situation, amendments need to be made to the secondary school transfer plan. We will be updating you with relevant information during the next few weeks and there will also be an opportunity for the pupils, through their HWB accounts, to receive information and to ask questions to Ysgol Morgan Llwyd staff.