Dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf, mae Blwyddyn 3 wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i fynd ar ddau ymweliad. Y daith gyntaf oedd i Groundworks Gogledd Cymru, lle dysgodd y plant am y Celtiaid a sut yr oeddent yn byw. Roedd yr ail daith i Bentre’ Peryglon, lle dysgodd y plant am wahanol beryglon, tu mewn a thu allan i’r ysgol, a sut i gadw’n ddiogel mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd.
Da iawn chi blant am ymddwyn yn dda ar y ddau drip ac ateb cwestiynau yn llawn gwybodaeth. Dyma rai lluniau o’r ddwy daith.
Over the past week, Year 3 have been lucky enough to go on two trips. The first trip was to Groundworks North Wales, where the children learnt about the Celts and how they lived. The second trip was to Danger point, where the children learnt about different dangers, inside and outside of school, and how to keep safe in different situations.
Well done to all the pupils for their excellent behavior on both trips and for answering questions with so much information. Here are some pictures from both trips.