Aelodaeth yr Urdd / Urdd Membership

Aelodaeth yr Urdd 2021-22 /

Urdd Membership 2021-22

Ydy eich plentyn wedi ymaelodi â’r Urdd eleni? Ymaelodwch eich plentyn i gael mynediad at lu o weithgareddau wedi’u trefnu gan yr Urdd yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd yma ee, Eisteddfod yr Urdd, cystadlaethau nofio, pêl-droed, athletau a phêl-rwyd.

Y pris am 2021/2022 yw £10 y pen (neu £25 am deulu o 3 neu fwy o blant).  Mae hefyd cynnig aelodaeth am £1 i unrhyw blentyn sy’n derbyn cinio ysgol am ddim.

Dilynwch y linc yma i ymaelodi ar-lein trwy wefan yr Urdd –

Has your child joined the Urdd this year? As a member of the Urdd, your child can access a host of activities organised by the Urdd during this academic year e.g. the Urdd Eisteddfod, swimming competitions, football, athletics and netball.

The price for 2021/2022 is £10 per person (or £25 for a family of 3 or more children).  There is also an offer of membership for £1 for any child receiving free school meals.

Follow this link to join online through the Urdd website –