Bore ‘ma cawsom gyflwyniad ardderchog gan ddisgyblion y Cyngor Eco am y broblem blastig sydd ar draws y byd a sut y gallwn ni leihau llygredd plastig.
Mae’r pwyllgor wedi penderfynu casglu caeadau plastig ac wedi anelu at 10kg o gadaeau erbyn y Pasg. Mi fyddan nhw wedyn yn eu defnyddio i greu murlun ar wal y neuadd.
Bydd y disgyblion yn pwyso’r caeadau plastig yn wythnosol ac yn rhannu’r mesuriadau gyda ni ar eu harddangosfa.
Felly, os oes caeadau plastig adre efo chi, a wnewch chi plîs eu rhoi yn y blwch arbennig sydd yn y brif fynedfa.
Wel am syniad da! Pob lwc Cyngor Eco Ysgol Bro Alun!
This morning in our assembly, the Eco Council pupils told us about the plastic problem that we face around the world and how we can reduce plastic pollution.
The committee members have decided to collect plastic bottle lids to help with the plastic waste. They aim to collect around 10kg of lids by Easter. They will then use them to make a mural on the wall in our school hall.
The pupils will be weighing the plastic lids weekly and will share the results with us on their notice board
We would therefore be most grateful if you could bring any plastic lids to school and place them in the special box provided in the main entrance!
What a great idea! Good Luck Cyngor Eco Ysgol Bro Alun!