I sylw rhieni Meithrin (Dryw a Robin Goch) / FAO Nursery parents (Dryw and Robin Goch)

Rydym am ymestyn ein grwp preifat Facebook Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1 i gynnwys rhieni a gwarchodwyr plant dosbarth Meithrin. Bydd hyn yn cynorthwyo efo’r broses bontio o’r dosbarth Meithrin i’r Derbyn ym mis Medi. O fewn y grwp yma y bydd Mrs Shona Evans yn rhoi ei fideo dyddiol o yfory ymlaen. Er mwyn ymuno a’r grwp (sy’n cynnwys rhieni a staff yn unig), bydd angen i chi glicio ar y linc isod a gyrru cais i ymuno.

We are extending our private Reception and Year 1 Facebook group to include Nursery class parents. This will assist with the transition process for Nursery children into Reception class. It will be within this group that Mrs Shona Evans will be posting her daily video from tomorrow onwards. To join the group (that only includes staff and parents), please click on the link below and send a request to join.
