Lluniau Tempest dosbarthiadau Derbyn a Bl 6 / Reception and Year 6 Tempest class photos

Rhieni a gwarchodwyr Derbyn a Bl 6 / FAO of Reception class and Year 6 parents

Os am archebu llun dosbarth (Derbyn a Bl 6) a chael y llun wedi ei yrru i’r ysgol am ddim, bydd angen gwneud hynny gan ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau yrrwyd ar ebost dros wyliau’r Pasg erbyn dydd Iau yma, Ebrill 28ain.

If you’d like to order the class photo (Reception and Year 6) and have it delivered to school for free, orders must be made, following the instructions sent  in the email sent over Easter, by this coming Thursday, April 28th.