Ffair Wybodaeth heddiw! / Information Fair today!

Peidiwch ag anghofio am y ffair wybodaeth yn neuadd yr ysgol heddiw.

Bydd lluniaeth ar gael yn ogystal â stondin gwisg ysgol a drefnir gan y Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon.

Bydd Siop y Siswrn a Siop Siwan hefyd yn bresennol i chi brynu llyfrau ac anrhegion Cymraeg.

Bydd cynrychiolwyr o amrywiaeth o asiantaethau allanol megis Ysgol Morgan Llwyd, Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd, Home Start, Eich Gofod a llawer o rai eraill.

Mi fydd drysau’r neuadd ar agor o 3.20 – croeso i bawb!


Don’t forget about the information fair in the school hall today.

There will be refreshments available as well as a pre loved uniform stall organised by the PTA.

Siop y Siswrn and Siop Siwan will also be in attendance for you to purchase Welsh books and gifts.

There will be representatives from a variety of external agencies such as Ysgol Morgan Llwyd, Family Information services, Home Start, Your space and many others.

The hall doors will open at 3.20 – everyone welcome!