Cyngor dychwelyd i’r ysgol ar ol profi’n bositif am Covid / Guidance on returning to school after testing positive for Covid

Isod mae neges gan TTP am pryd y gall disgyblion ddychwelyd i’r ysgol ar ol profi’n bositif am Covid. Ymddiheuriadau ei fod yn Saesneg yn unig.

Below is a message from TTP regarding when pupils can return to school after testing positive for Covid.


“Positive case at school.  This applies to children and adults.

You must isolate for 7 full days after the day on which you test positive (which is ‘Day Zero’). The child or adult can return to school on day 8 if they have no symptoms AND report 2 negative LFDs, taken 24 hours apart on days 6 and 7. If either of these tests are positive, continue to isolate and retest each day until 2 negative tests 24 hours apart OR have isolated for 10 days, whichever is sooner. If symptoms continue past day 10 (especially a fever) do not return to school until these have passed. “