Adroddiad Arolwg Estyn / Estyn Inspection Report

Gobeithio fod pawb yn iawn ac yn mwynhau’r gwyliau haf.
Mae adroddiad arolwg Estyn o’r ysgol, a gynhaliwyd ganol mis Mehefin, wedi cael ei gyhoeddi heddiw. Mae dolen isod at yr adroddiad ar safle Estyn.
Fel y gwelwch o’i ddarllen, mae hwn yn adroddiad arolwg arbenning o dda ac yn un yr ydym fel ysgol yn falch ohono. Mae’n adlewyrchu gwaith caled yr holl staff, disgyblion a rhieni a gwarchodwyr nid yn unig yn ystod cyfnod yr arolwg, ond dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf ac yn wir ers agor yr ysgol yn 2013.
Mae’n braf gweld cyfeiriad penodol yn cael ei wneud at, ymysg agweddau positif eraill, ymddygiad, cwrteisi a pharch y disgyblion, brwdfrydedd at waith a heriau, y cynnydd cadarn a wna disgyblion, y profiadau a gaiff y disgyblion fel rhan o’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru, y gofal, cymorth ac arweiniad a roddir i’r disgyblion ac yn fwy na dim, fod Bro Alun yn ysgol hapus ac yn gymuned gyfeillgar a chartrefol.
Mae yna drosolwg byr ar ddechrau’r adroddiad, tri argymhelliad yn deillio o’r arolwg i ni weithio arnynt ac yna 5 adran sy’n cynnwys mwy o fanylder sef Dysgu, Lles ac Agweddau at Ddysgu, Addysgu a Phrofiadau Dysgu, Gofal, Cymorth ac Arweiniad ac yn olaf Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth.
Angogaf chi i ddarllen yr adroddiad pan gewch chi gyfle ac os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn neu sylw, mae croeso i chi gysylltu efo fi. Os hoffech gopi papur o’r adroddiad, gadewch i ni wybod ym mis Medi.
Gyda diolch,
Osian Jones
Good morning
I hope that everyone is well and enjoying the summer holidays.
Estyn have today published their report on the school following the inspection that took place in mid June. There is a link below to the report on Estyn’s website.
As you’ll see from reading it, this is a very good report and one that we are very proud of. It reflects the hard work of staff, pupils, and parents and carers not only during the inspection and the weeks leading up to it, but over the last few years and indeed, since the school opened in 2013.
We are very happy to see specific reference being made (amongst other positive aspects) to the pupils behaviour, courtesy and respect towards others, their enthusiasm towards work and challenges, the sound progress that pupils make, the experiences that the school provides the pupils as part of the Curriculum for Wales, the care, support and guidance that the school provides and more than anything that Bro Alun is a happy school and a friendly and homely community.
There is a short overview of the school at the beginning of the report, followed by three recommendations for us to work on and then five more detailed sections on Learning, Well-Being and Attitudes to Learning, Teaching and Learning Experiences, Care, Support and Guidance and Leadership and Management.

I encourage you to read the report when you get a chance and if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch. If you’d like a paper version of the report, please let us know in September.

With thanks,

Osian Jones