Defnyddio ParentPay / Using ParentPay

Cinio Ysgol

Nodyn i’ch hatgoffa y dylai pob rhiant / gwarchodwr sydd am i’w plentyn gael cinio ysgol i ddefnyddio ParentPay i ddewis y bwyd a thalu amdano, erbyn 8:00am bob bore (mae posib dewis a thalu am bythefnos o flaenllaw). I’r rheiny sydd a’i plant yn cael prydau ysgol am ddim, mae dal angen dewis y bwyd ar gyfer pob diwrnod. Ar hyn o bryd, mae amser addysgu a dysgu yn y bore yn cael ei golli gan fod rhaid i athrawon gymryd archebion bwyd cymaint o ddisgyblion, a ddylai fod wedi cael eu harchebu’n barod. Felly gwerthfawrogem pe baech yn gwneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau eich bod yn gwneud yr uchod i ni allu gwneud y mwyaf o amser addysgu a dysgu yn y dosbarth.

Clwb ar ol Ysgol

Fel efo’r uchod, dylid defnyddio ParentPay ar gyfer archebu lle a thalu o flaenllaw (erbyn 12:00pm ar y diwrnod) am le yn y Clwb Ar Ol Ysgol os gwelwch yn dda.


School Dinners

A reminder that all parents and carers that require their child to have a school lunch should use ParentPay to select the food and pay for the lunch by 8:00am every morning (it’s possible to choose and pay for up to a fortnight beforehand). For those with children receiving Free School Meals, the lunch still needs to be chosen through ParentPay. At the moment, teaching and learning time is being lost every morning as teachers have to take so many pupils’ lunch orders, that should have been ordered already. We’d appreciate if you could make every effort to ensure that you follow the above request to enable us to make the most of teaching and learning time in the class.  

After School Club

As with the above, ParentPay should be used to book and pay beforehand (by 12:00pm every day) for the After School Club.