Plant dosbarthiadau Alarch, Drudwen, Bran, Tylluan, Colomen, Gwennol, Blwyddyn 5 a Blwyddyn 6 i gael eu gollwng yn y brif fynedfa bore ma os gwelwch yn dda gan fod cefn yr ysgol yn dal yn beryglus. Dryw, Pioden, Robin Goch, a’r Cylch i gael eu gollwng yn y mannau arferol.
Children from Alarch, Drudwen, Bran, Tylluan, Colomen, Gwennol, Year 5 and Year 6 classes to be dropped off in the main entrance this morning please as around the back of the school is still dangerous. Dryw, Pioden, Robin Goch and Cylch classes to be dropped off as usual by the gates outside the classes.