Cawsom wybod yn ddiweddar fod Miss Ffion Hughes, athrawes Bl 5, Arweinydd CA 2 a dirprwy gweithredol yr ysgol rhwng Ebrill a Rhagfyr llynedd, wedi cael ei hapwyntio i swydd newydd fel dirprwy bennaeth yn Ysgol Pen Barras, Rhuthun. Bydd Miss Hughes yn cychwyn yno ar ol gwyliau’r Pasg a felly’n gadael Bro Alun ddiwedd wythnos nesaf. Bu Miss Hughes yn gweithio ym Mro Alun ers Medi 2014 gan addysgu mewn sawl dosbarth. Rydym yn hynod o ddiolchgar i Miss Hughes am ei chyfraniad i’r ysgol ac yn dymuno’r gorau iddi yn ei swydd newydd.
We were recently informed that Miss Ffion Hughes, our Year 5 teacher, Key Stage 2 leader and the school’s acting deputy head teacher between April and December last year, has been appointed to a new post as Deputy Head Teacher at Ysgol Pen Barras in Ruthin. Miss Hughes will start her new job after Easter so will be leaving Bro Alun at the end of next week. Miss Hughes has worked at Bro Alun since September 2014 and has taught in numerous classes. We are very grateful to Miss Hughes for contribution to Bro Alun and wish her all the best in her new job.