Bydd eich plentyn yn dod adref heddiw efo taflen am y Ffair Nadolig ar Ragfyr y 9fed. Ar waelod y daflen, mae slip i’w lenwi ar gyfer archebu lle i weld Sion Corn yn y Ffair. Mae’n rhaid i’r ffurflen a’r arian gael eu dychwelyd i focs y CRhA yn y brif fynedfa os ydech am i’ch plentyn gael y cyfle i weld Sion Corn. Bydd hyn ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin gan fod yna nifer cyfyngedig o lefydd.
Your child will be bringing a flyer home today about the Christmas Fair on December 9th. At the bottom of the flyer there’s a slip for you to complete if you’d like your child to see Father Christmas at the Fair. The slip and money must be returned to the PTA box in the main entrance if you wish for your child to see Santa. It will be on a first come first served basis as places are limited.