Holiadur ailagor i rieni a gwarchodwyr / Reopening questionnaire for parents and carers

Gobeithio fod pawb yn mwynhau’r gwyliau. Fel rhan o broses hunan werthuso barhaus yr ysgol, hoffem gasglu barn rhieni a gwarchodwyr am y trefniadau a roddwyd yn eu lle ar gyfer ail agor yr ysgol o ganlyniad i’r pandemig. Felly, os oes gennych ddwy funud, gwerthfarogem pe medrech gwblhau yr holiadur isod i’n galluogi ni i wneud hyn. Diolch yn fawr!

We hope that everyone is enjoying the week off. As part of the school’s continuous self evaluation process, we’d like to gather the views of parents and carers on the arrangements that were put in place for reopening the school due to the current pandemic. If you have two minutes, we’d appreciate if you could complete the questionnaire below to enable us to do this. Thank you!
