Nodyn i’ch hatgoff eto mai maes parcio ar gyfer staff, dalwyr bathodyn glas a unrhyw un sydd wedi cael caniatad penodol gan yr ysgol i barcio yno yw maes parcio’r ysgol. Mae nifer gynyddol o rieni, gwarchodwyr a theuluoedd yn ei ddefnyddio, yn enwedig yn y prynhawniau gan beryglu disgyblion ac oedolion. Mae rhai hyd yn oed yn parcio ar y cerb / llwybrau cerdded, sydd yn hollol annerbyniol. Bydd yn rhaid i staff ail ddechrau agor a chau y giatiau er mwyn monitro’r maes parcio, sydd yn wastraff o amser prin ein staff.
Y ogystal, dim ond dalwyr bathodyn glas ddylai barcio yn y mannau parcio anabl – rydym yn gweld ceir yn ddyddiol yno sydd heb fathodyn glas.
A wnewch chi os gwelwch yn dda basio’r negeseuon yma ymlaen i unrhyw un sy’n gollwng a chasglu plant.
A note to remind you again that the school car park is for the use of staff, blue badge holders and anyone that has had specific permission from the school to park there. There are an increasing number of parents, carers and families using the car park, especially in the afternoons, putting at risk the safety of pupils and adults. There are some that even mount the kerbs/ paths to park – this is completely unacceptable. We will have to return to having members of staff opening and closing the gates to monitor the situation again, which is a waste of limited time that staff already have.
Also, we have noticed a number of cars without blue badges parking in the disabled parking bays – it is only blue badge holders that should park here.
Could you please pass these messages on to anyone that drops off or collects children from the school.