Mesurau Covid yn yr ysgol / Covid measures in the school

Yn dilyn cyhoeddiad ddiwedd wythnos diwethaf gan Jeremy Miles, gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, byddwn yn parhau a’r mesurau Covid a roddwyd yn eu lle ddechrau Ionawr, hyd at ddiwedd yr hanner tymor yma, gan obeithio gallu eu llacio pan fyddwn yn dychwelyd am yr ail hanner tymor ddechrau Mawrth.

Yn ystod yr wythnos a hanner ddiwethaf, mae achosion yn yr ysgol wedi bod gyda’r uchaf ers dechrau’r pandemig a mi yden yn gwerthfawrogi eich cydweithrediad wrth i ni geisio cadw dosbarthiadau ar agor a pharhau a gwaith yr ysgol mewn modd mor normal a phosib.

Ers dydd Gwener, Ionawr 28ain, mae’r cyfnod hunanynsyu yng Nghymru wedi newid – mae manylion ar gael drwy’r ddolen isod.


Following the announcement at the end of last week by Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Welsh and Education, we will be continuing with the Covid measures that were put in place at the beginning of January for the rest of this half term. We hope to be in a position to relax these when we return for the second half term at the beginning of March. 

During the last week and a half, we have seen cases at the school as high as they have been at any time since the beginning of the pandemic and we appreciate your cooperation as we do everything to keep classes open and continue with the school’s work as much as possible.

Since Friday, January 28th, the isolation period in Wales has changed – there are details by clicking on the link below.