Nawr fod y gwaith adeiladu mewnol wedi ei gwblhau, dyma’r llefydd i ollwng a chasglu eich plant o yfory ymlaen:
Now that the internal building work is complete, here are details on where to drop off and collect the children from tomorrow:
Clwb brecwast / Breakfast Club – Prif fynedfa / Main entrance
Meithrin / Nursery (Dryw a Robin Goch – Mrs Evans) – eu hebrwng i’r cyntedd drwy yr ail giat wrth fynd i lawr y llwybr o’r brif fynedfa / take them into the Nursery cloakroom through the second gate down the path from the main entrance.
Derbyn a Bl 1 / Reception and Yr 1 – Pioden (Mrs Jones Evans) – eu gadael efo staff wrth yr ail giat wrth fynd i lawr y llwybr o’r brif fynedfa / leave them with staff by the second gate down the path from the main entrance.
Derbyn a Bl 1 / Reception and Yr 1 – Drudwen (Miss Elen Jones) – eu gadael efo staff wrth y giat sy’n arwain at y buarth ar waelod y llwybr i lawr o’r brif fynedfa / leave them with staff by the gate leading to the yard at the bottom of the path from the main entrance.
Derbyn a Bl 1 / Reception and Yr 1 – Bran (Mrs Iona Evans) – eu gadael efo staff wrth y giat sy’n arwain at y buarth ar waelod y llwybr i lawr o’r brif fynedfa / leave them with staff by the gate leading to the yard at the bottom of the path from the main entrance.
Bl 2 (Alarch), Bl 3 (Gwennol), Bl 4 (Tylluan), Bl 5 (Hebog), Bl 6 (Eryr) – gollwng eich plentyn efo staff wrth y giat sydd heibio i’r gegin, wrth ddosbarth Blwyddyn 6 yn ymyl cornel bellaf y maes parcio / leave your child with staff by the gate that’s past the kitchen, by Year 6 near the far end of the car park.
Cofiwch mai am 8:50am y bydd y giatiau yn cael eu hagor. Os oes gennych neges i athro / athrawes eich plentyn, dylid ei rhoi yn ysgrifenedig i’r aelod o staff wrth y giat i’w phasio ymlaen.
The gates are opened at 8:50am. If you have a message for your child’s teacher, please note it down on paper and give it to the member of staff by the gate to pass it on.
Os ydech yn dod a’ch plentyn i’r clwb brecwast ac am roi neges i’r athro / athrawes, a wnewch chi ei rhoi yn ysgrifenedig i aelod o staff y clwb brecwast neu ofyn i weld yr athro / athrawes. Os gwelwch yn dda peidiwch a cherdded o’r neuadd drwy’r ysgol i’r dosbarth.
If you bring your child to the breakfast club and need to give a teacher a message, please note it down on paper and give it to a member of the breakfast club staff to pass it on or ask to see the teacher – please do not walk from the hall to the classroom.
Wrth gasglu yn y prynhawniau, dylid dilyn y drefn arferol a mynd i sefyll y tu allan i ddosbarth eich plentyn.
When collecting in the afternoons, please follow the usual routine of standing outside your child’s class.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cydweithrediad – byddwn yn adolygu’r trefniadau dros yr wythnosau nesaf ac yn gwneud unrhyw addasiadau os oes angen.
Thank you for your co-operation – we will be reviewing these arrangements over the next few weeks and making any changes if needed.