Wrth rannu’r neges ddiwedd hanner tymor yma gan Kirsty Williams, ga i hefyd ddiolch yn fawr iawn i staff yr ysgol am eu gwaith dros yr wythnosau diwethaf yn cynnig gofal yn yr ysgol i blant gweithwyr allweddol ac yn paratoi gwaith, adnoddau a gweithgareddau dysgu o bell i’r disgyblion – dw i’n siwr eich bod chi fel rhieni a gwarchodwyr hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi. Diolch i chi hefyd am eich cymorth a’ch cefnogaeth i’r disgyblion adref. Gobeithio y caiff pawb gyfle i ymlacio a mwynhau cwmni eu teuluoedd dros y penwythnos hir ac wythnos hanner tymor.
While sharing the end of half term message from Kirtsy Williams, can I also thank the staff for all their work over the last few weeks, providing care for Key Workers’ children and preparing work, activities and resources for distance learning for the pupils – I’m sure that you as parents and carers also appreciate their work. Thank you also for supporting the children at home. I hope that everyone will have a chance to relax and enjoy family time over the long weekend and the half term.
Diolch, Osian Jones