System un ffordd a gorchuddion wyneb / One way system and face coverings

Gyda achosion Coivd-19 yn cynyddu yn yr ysgol ac yn lleol, hoffwn eich atogffa fod y system un ffordd wrth ollwng a chasglu disgyblion yn dal mewn bodolaeth. Mae hyn yn berthnasol i bawb, yn cynnwys rhai sy’n gollwng a chasglu disgyblion yn / o ddosbarthiadau Dryw, Pioden, Robin Goch a’r Cylch yn ffrynt yr ysgol yn y boreau a’r prynhawniau.  Os gwelwch yn dda a wnewch chi barhau i ddilyn y system – gan gerdded rownd cefn yr ysgol ar ol gollwng yn y bore neu gasglu yn y prynhawn a peidio cerdded i fyny y llwybr allan (sy’n rhedeg gyda ochr y parc sglefrio) i wyneb rhai sy’n dilyn y system yn gywir.

Anogwn bawb hefyd i wisgo gorchuddion wyneb pan ar dir yr ysgol heblaw fod gennych reswm meddygol dros beidio gwneud.

A wnewch chi basio y negeseuon yma ymlaen i bawb sy’n gollwng a chasglu os gwelwch yn dda.


With Covid -19 cases increasing in the school and locally, I’d like to remind you that the one way system when dropping off and collecting children is still in place and to be used by parents, carers and family members. This is relevant to everyone, including those dropping off and collecting children in the mornings and afternoons in Dryw, Pioden, Robin Goch classes and in the Cylch at the front of the school. Could you please continue to follow the system, walking around the back of the school and down the exit path after dropping off / collecting. Please do not walk up the exit path against the flow of people correctly following the system.

We also encourage everyone to continue to wear face coverings when on school grounds unless you are exempt. 

Could you please pass these messages on to everyone that bring or collect children to / from school. 


Osian Jones